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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Marian Fances Christmas Santa Almost Missed
Walter Farley The Black Stallion
Walter Farley The Black Stallion
Walter Farley The Black Stallion
Walter Farley The Black Stallion
Nancy Farmer Sea of Trolls
Sally Farrell The Dragon's Coming After You
Greg Farshley Island of Doom
Jules Feifer The Man in the Ceiling
Jean Ferris Once Upon a Marigold
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Kathleen Fidler The Boy with the Bronze Axe
Judy Fincher Testing Miss.Malarkey
Aileen Fisher Always Wondering
John Fitzgerald The Great Brain
Jack Flanagan Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Garlan
Sid Fleischman The Whipping Boy
Sid Fleischman The Whipping Boy
Sid Fleischman Bandit's Moon
Sid Fleischman By the Great Horn Spoon
Sid Fleischman By the Great Horn Spoon
Sid Fleischman The Whipping Boy
Sid Fleischman Escape! : The Story of the Great Houdini
Steffi Fletcher Tom and Jerry's Party
Susan Fletcher The Sign of the Dove
Debbi Michiko Florence Kingston the Great Dane
Douglas Florian Bing Bang Boing
Liza Fosburgh Bella Arabella
Mem Fox Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild!
Anne Frank Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl
Anne Frank The Diary of Anne Frank
Shelly Fraser Mickle Barbaro
Martha Freeman The Year My Parents Ruined My Life
Martha Freeman Fourth Grade Weirdo
Aileen Friedman A Cloak for a Dreamer
Laurie Friedman Campfire Mallory
Laurie Friedman Mallory vs Max
Juddith Frieguello A Story of a Christmas Mouse
Judith Fringuello Tale of The Christmas Mouse
Jean Fritz Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt
Jean Fritz Why Not Lafayette?
Jean Fritz The Cabin Faced West
Jean Fritz Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold
Cornelia funk Dragon Rider
Cornelia funk Dragon Rider
Cornelia funk Dragon Rider
Cornelia funk Dragon Rider
Cornelia funk Dragon Rider
Cornelia funk Dragon Rider
Cornelia Funke The Thief Lord
Cornelia Funke The Thief Lord