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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


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Grade of reviewers:  k-1  2-3  4-5  6-9 

All Titles

Madeline L'Engle The Crippled Lamb
Mary Labatt Sam Gets Lost
Melissa Lagonegro Just Keep Swimming
Melissa Lagonegro Just Keep Swimming
Melissa Lagonegro Home, Stinky Home
Patricia Lakin Stuart Little 2 - Stuart Finds a Friend
Rozanne Lanczak Williams Buttons, Buttons
Rozanne Lanczak Williams Buttons, Buttons
Rozanne Lanczak Williams What Time Is It?
Rozanne Lanczak-Williams Let's Take Care of the Earth
Eleanor Lapp Hey, Elephant
Rochelle Larkin Favorite Fairy Tales: Peter Pan
Kathryn Lasky Beyond the Burning Time
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
first last Bad Kitty
Patricia Lauber Lost Star: the Story of Amelia Earhart
Anne Lawrence No Ordinary Fish
Lisa Lawston Red Sneakers
Theo Le Sieg Wacky Wednesday
Kate Ledger Lost Tooth Rescue!
Hector Viveros Lee I Had a Hippopotomus
Virginia Lee Burton The Little House
Loreen Leedy Postcards from Pluto
Debbie Leland The Jalapeno Man
Debbie Leland The Jalapeno Man
Kevin Leman II My Adopted Child, There is No One Like You
Gina Lems-Tardif Pilgrim Children Had Many Chores
Jay Leno If Roast Beef Could Fly
Marcia Leonard Get the Ball Slim
Theo Lesieg In a People House
Theo Lesieg In a People House
Theo Lesieg In a People House
Theo. LeSieg Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be a Vet
Theo. LeSieg Ten Apples Up On Top!
Theo. LeSieg Ten Apples Up On Top!
Amanda Leslie Who's That Scratching at My Door?
Amanda Leslie Who's That Scratching at My Door?
Amanda Leslie Who's That Scratching at My Door?
Helen Lester Hooway for Wodney Wat
Helen Lester Hooway for Wodney Wat
Helen Lester Hooway for Wodney Wat
Helen Lester Hooway for Wodney Wat
Helen Lester Listen Buddy
Helen Lester Three Cheers for Tacky
Helen Lester Tacky the Penguin
Helen Lester Hooway for Wodney Wat
Helen Lester Hooway for Wodney Wat
Laura Leuck My Monster Mama Loves Me So
Hara Lewis Cinderella 3
Wendy Cheyette Lewison The Littlest mermaid
Jennifer Liberts Beauty and the Beast "Friends Are Sweet"
Tom Lichtenheld What Are You So Grumpy About?
Brian Lies Bats at the Library
Dee Lillegard Frog's Lunch/El Almuerzo de Ranita
Bettina Ling Paplotes/Kites
Susan L. Lingo My Goodnight Bible
Leo Lionni Six Crows
Leo Lionni A Color of His Own
Leo Lionni The Green Tailed Mouse
Leo Lionni A Flea Story
Leo Lionni Swimmy
Leo Lionni Cornelius
Leo Lionni Swimmy
Leo Lionni Swimmy
Leo Lionni The Green Tailed Mouse
Rachel Lisberg Do Your Ears Hang Low
Alice Lisson Cat
Sam Lloyd Shark Trouble
Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad All Year
Arnold Lobel Mouse Tales
Arnold Lobel Mouse Tales
Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad Together
Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad are Friends
Arnold Lobel Frog and Toad are Friends
Jack London Froggy Eats Out
Jack London Snuggle Wuggle
Jack London Froggy Eats Out
Jonathan London Froggy Goes to School
Jonathan London Froggy Gets Dressed
Jonathan London Froggy Learns To Swim
Jonathan London Froggy Goes to Bed
Jonathan London Froggy Gets Dressed
Jonathan London Froggy Learns To Swim
Jonathan London Froggy Goes To The Doctor
Jonathan London Froggy Goes To The Doctor
Jonathan London Froggy Bakes a Cake
Jonathan London Froggy Gets Dressed
Jonathan London Froggy's Best Christmas
Jonathan London Froggy Goes to Bed
Jonathan London Froggy Gets Dressed
Jonathan London Waggle Waggle
Jonathan London Froggy Builds a Tree House
Jonathan London Froggy Goes To The Doctor
Robert Lopshire Put Me in the Zoo
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