Owl Diaries: Eva's Big Sleepover
Written by Rebecca Elliot
Reviewed by Avi Z. (age 8)

Do you like sleepovers? Then you will like this book. In, Eva’s Big Sleepover, by Rebecca Elliot, Eva has a sleepover with her friends.
In this book, it is Eva’s birthday. She wants to have a sleepover to celebrate her birthday. She is inviting everybody in her class. Eva is getting ready for the sleepover and she is excited. But Eva is nervous because there is a mean girl in her class, Sue. Sue calls Eva names and picks on Eva and her friends. What will happen when Sue comes to the party? Will she me mean to Eva on her birthday?
In my opinion this was an excellent book. I like the characters. I liked that everyone is nice to each other. Eva is a very kind character. She invites Sue to the party even though Sue is so mean. I also like that there are little pictures in this book even though it’s a chapter book. I also like that this book is part of a series and you can read more about Eva and her friends in other books.
I recommend this book for people who like sleepovers. I also recommend this book to anyone who likes owls because the main characters are all owls.
I give this book a four star rating!