1 Officer Spence Makes No Sense

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Officer Spence Makes No Sense

Written by Dan Gutman

Reviewed by Maria C (age 10)

This book is about Arlo, but most people call him A.J. He goes to lunch and he always has a peanut butter and jelly packed for him for lunch. But when he opens his lunch bag there is no peanut butter and jelly sandwich for him. Officer Spence comes up to him and talks on his walkie talkie for backup. He puts the yellow caution tape around them and A.J. thinks its cool. Mr. Klutz, the principal, had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so Officer Spence told Mr. Klutz “Freeze, dirtbag!” A.J. thought it was cool because Officer Spence did the same thing as in the movies when they catch a robber but he doesn’t know why they do that. Officer Spence tells Mr. Klutz to step away from the PJ sandwich and nobody will get hurt. Office Spence tells Mr. Klutz that he is under arrest. Mr. Klutz was confused—why was he under arrest? Officer Spence said that he was under arrest for the robbery of a PJ sandwich. Andrea, the annoying girl, told Officer Spence that he can’t arrest a principal. If you want to find out what happens next, you’ll have to read this book.

My opinion of this book is that Officer Spence is crazy! I think he’s crazy because he doesn’t know that Mr. Klutz stole the peanut butter and jelly and he shouldn’t just take Mr. Klutz to jail. He should be looking for proof that Mr. Klutz stole the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I liked it because I thought it was funny because Officer Spence told Mr. Klutz to “Freeze, Dirtbag!” A.J. thought it was cool because they do it in movies so that’s why it’s cool. Arlo doesn’t know why but he likes it just because it’s in movies.

Andrea, the annoying girl, thinks she’s a smarty pants because she works with the P.A.C. which is the Principal Advisory Committee. I don’t like her because she likes to correct everyone.

I would recommend this book to the people that make no sense because they would like reading a book that makes no sense about officer Spence. I would also recommend this book to the mouse because it makes no sense.