Owl at Home
Written by Arnold Lobel
Illustrated by Arnold Lobel
Reviewed by Audrey R. (age 8)

Owl is an owl who is a very happy owl. He lives in a little house in the woods. He also goes outside.
In this story there are four problems. Owl is in his house. He hears a bang coming from outside. He goes outside. There's no one there. He tells the wind to come in and get warm for a while, but then it came in and made a mess.
The next problem was when Owl was in bed and saw two lumps, big ones. Then, they started moving.
Owl has an upstairs and a downstairs in his house. He wants to see both parts of his house at the same time. He decided to run up and down, up and down. Then, he stopped on the tenth step.
One night, Owl decided to take a walk. When he started to walk home, the moon followed him home! I hope you read this book to find out what happens next.
There are illustrations in this book. They have dark colors, but just a little bit dark. I like them a lot! They are very pretty and they look like people took lots of time on them and added lots of details. They look really, really, realistic.
My favorite part was when Owl made tear tea water. He thought of something sad and started to cry. I like this part because it doesn't have a problem and it was really cute!
There is a character I liked. His name is Owl. He is a happy owl. He is also very funny.
I recommend this book for first grade to third grade students because it's very funny. It's a book for younger children who like funny books.