1 Julius, The Baby of the World

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Julius, The Baby of the World

Written by Kevin Henkes

Illustrated by Kevin Henkes

Reviewed by Liam M. (age 8)

Julius, The Baby of the World

This book is about a baby mouse named Julius who has a mean sister named Lilly. When the baby was in the mom's stomach, the sister loved him. But when Julius came, it was a different story! Lilly was mean to him! Her parents complimented him but Lilly had her own idea. She said the opposite of compliments. Lilly's parents said right things to Julius and Lilly said wrong things! Will Lilly start being nice to Julius? Read the book to find out.

I loved this book because the pictures were really funny and it taught me to not be mean. I liked Julius because he was very cute! Lilly reminded me of myself because she was always loud when she was supposed to be quiet when Julius was sleeping! I am loud, too!

I highly recommend this book to people who like to laugh. This book is funny and it has a lesson that teaches you to not be mean. Second graders would love this book because it is easy to read!