Your Mother Was a Neanderthal
Written by Jon Scieszka
Illustrated by Lane Smith
Reviewed by Michelle L. (age 9)

Fred, Sam, and Joe stood in front of a forest wearing nothing. But Sam still had his glasses, Joe still had his straw, and Fred still had on his hat. But they didn?t have the book. They had leaves and tied vines around them. Then people came. Not just any people but cave people. Their names were Lin-Say, Nat- Li, and Jos-Feen. Lin-Say, Jos-Feen, and Nat-Li took them to their moms. They had to go through lava rocks because their cave was in a volcano. They saw a person dressed in a suit. Fred, Sam, and Joe asked "Do you have the book?" They didn?t say anything. They fed them. They couldn?t understand a word they said. Sam, Fred, and Joe met a giant. He took a bite of plastic. They gagged and hid. At the end Fred felt something in his hand it was the book. They were all happy.
I think this is a good book. I really liked it. It is a funny book. I liked the beginning of this book because nothing really happened then they looked down and they were naked. I liked the character Sam, because he does stuff different than Joe and Fred. Like when he tied leaves around himself he didn?t care how he looked but Joe and Fred did care how they looked.
I recommend this book for children ages eight through twelve because it is funny especially in the beginning.