Bailey School Kids: Big Foot Doesn't Square Dance
Written by Debbie Dadey
Reviewed by Morgan R (age 9)

Have you ever seen Bigfoot? Well Howie, Liza, Eddie, and Melanie have. In fact, they were on on a field trip and saw big barefoot prints! Eddie couldn't believe he was looking at Bigfoot. Eddie does research on him. They go back to Ruby Mountain with Eddie's dad's camera. Eddie had thought he had seen Bigfoot. Liza screamed because there was a spider on her shoe. Eddie didn't know he took pictures of Liza's shoe. Just then, Bigfoot popped out behind them and tried catching them. Read the book to find if Bigfoot catches them, if they meet Bigfoot, and what he ended up teaching them. You will be surprised at what Eddie does when he sees the pictures.
I like books that are mysteries. This is a book thathas a mystery. I liked solving the mystery with the kids.
My favorite part is when Bigfoot pops out. I liked it very much. Eddie thought he was taking pictures of Bigfoot, but Bigfoot was behind him.
This is part of a series. "Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball." I like reading about the same characters. I felt as if I was in the woods and there was someone behind me. I was scared that Bigfoot was going to do something bad to them. I recommend this book to 3rd graders and anyone who likes mysteries.