The Two Princesses of Bamarre
Written by Gail Carson Levine
Reviewed by Marie D. (age 11)

As Gray Death sweeps Bammore, Princess Meryl and Princess Addie don't have a thought on their minds. Princess Meryl is the last one to catch it, so we think. She can't wait to go on adventures, fight dragons and help her country. Princess Addie is the last one expected to go on a quest. She's afraid of spiders, strangers, and everything, but especially of Princess Meryl leaving her. But, when Princess Meryl finally catches the Gray Death, Princess Addie has to go on a quest with fiery dragons, thundering ogres, magical shoes and more. Will Princess Addie find the cure in time?
My favorite part of the book is when Addie is stuck in the monstrous dragon's cave. Addie has to avoid being fired to death and try to weasel the cure for the Gray Death from the dragon. Addie changes greatly in the story by becoming courageous. After all, if you were trapped by a dragon would you be able to face anything? This book takes place in a same type of mythical world as Ella Enchanted, the Princess Tales and Fairest. This book does not have any illustrations but the author describes things so well it is easy to create a picture in your mind's eye.
I recommend this book to any girl between the ages of 8 and 14 who would love a great adventure. This is the sort of book that is perfect for a rainy day and once you start you can't put it down until the last page. This book is a must read!