Girl reporter Blows Lid off town
Written by Linda Ellerbee
Illustrated by Linda Ellerbee
Reviewed by L.S. (age 8)

"Girl Reporter Blows Lid Off Town" is an outstanding book. Casey was looking for a flyer to write the school newspaper. While she looking, a boy started talking to her. He was looking for a flyer too. Casey searched every flyer but none of them were about writing the school newspaper. Casey just wrote stories about what happened each day. Later, Casey became a great reporter and made a new friend. From writing every day, Casey became a great writer. She also met a good friend who shared her interest. Will Casey's writing ever be good enough to reach the school newspaper? Is there even a school newspaper at her school?
I enjoyed reading "Girl Reporter Blows Lid Off Town." First, it is about a girl who likes to write. Her name is Casey. Next, this book hangs you in suspense. For example, when the narrator says, "was Ringo looking for the same flyer as Casey?" Lastly, this book has some good characters. In conclusion, I enjoyed reading this book because it is about a girl who likes to write, it hangs you in suspense and it has good characters.
I recommend this book to people who like to write. The first reason is this book is about two girls that like to write. The second reason is Casey and Megan are competing against each other to see who writes better stories. Lastly, you would be interested in this book. I recommend this book to people who like to write because it is about girls that like to write. If you like writing and girls competing against each other, you would be interested in this book.