1 Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower

Written by Peggy Parish

Illustrated by Fritz Siezel

Reviewed by Kayla C. (age 8)

Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower

This book is part of a series of funny books written about a maid who tries to listen to directions from Mr. And Mrs. Rogers, but gets confused at what they mean. Amelia takes everything literally and gets mixed up easily. In this story they are at the Rogers? house. Mrs. Rogers is planning a bridal shower for her friend. Some of the chores Mrs. Rogers asks Amelia to do are ?run an iron over the tablecloth?, and ?scale the fish and ice them?. You can imagine what Amelia did!!! I laughed at all her mistakes. Mrs. Rogers told Miss. Alma that it was Tuesday night knitting class but it really was her surprise shower. She knew something was up when Amelia Bedelia sprayed her with the hose. This was my favorite part because Amelia thought that was what Mrs. Rogers meant when she said she was giving her a shower!! Peggy Parrish has written many Amelia Bedelia books. This is one of my favorites because I went to a bridal shower once.

I liked reading this book and would recommend it if you like to laugh out loud. Amelia is a funny character and always gets confused following directions. I really liked that Amelia Bedelia did things wrong but she tried her best to do things right. If you enjoy humorous books this book is for you!