Amber Brown is Not a Crayon
Written by Paula Danziger
Illustrated by Tony Ross
Reviewed by Mariah R. (age 9)

Amber Brown has a best friend named Justin, but when she finds out that he is moving to Alabama, it all goes down hill.
Justin and Amber shared a wod of old, chewed bubble gum. Justin wants to throw away their gumball, but Amber wants to keep it. Justin would always help Amber with her math in school and now she wonders who will help her in math when Justin moves away. She has other friends in school, but Justin is her best friend. Sometimes she gets picked on because her last name is Brown.
I liked this book because when friends move away this book helps you cope with that. My favorite part was when the class pretended they went to China and ate Chinese food. That would be really fun to do in my classroom. Amber Brown reminded me of myself because sometimes I get picked on by other kids and she was picked on because of her last name.
I recommend this book to people who are sad about their best friend moving away.