1 City of Ember

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

City of Ember

Written by Jeanne DuPrau

Reviewed by Jessica M. (age 12)

City of Ember

Can you imagine living in a world where the lights can go out any minute and not come back on? Lina Mayfleet and Doon Horrow keep wondering when the lights will go out and, if they do, how will Lina and Doon be able to find the exit. If they don't get out soon, what will happen to the city of Ember? Explore with Lina as she and Doon look for the way out of this chaotic situation. Experience the suspense of what they do to get out. Many tragic things happen, but will Lina and Doon still be able to save the city?

I liked this book because it was so suspenseful. When I was reading the book I couldn't put it down and I kept flipping the pages because I kept wondering when and how would the kids get out of Ember. Would it be in time before the lights went out forever? This book was unique in my eyes because you get to imagine what it would be like living underground and what it's like in a blackout, when there is darkness all around you. My favorite part of the City of Ember is when they enter the new world because Lina and Doon don't even know what a bird or grass is. I just think that is so funny! I was very excited while reading the book because I couldn't wait to see if they could make it to the new world, but I was very confident that they could.

I recommend this book because it is extremely suspenseful and you keep asking yourself "where is the exit to the city of Ember." I recommend this book to readers ages 10 to 13 because it is not too difficult but 3rd and 4t graders might not understand the story. The clues to find the exit to Ember might interest readers.