Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom
Written by Suzy Kline
Illustrated by Frank remkiewicz
Reviewed by Alexandra K. (age 7)

I'm going to tell you about Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom. Horrible Harry is a nice kid, who's afraid to go on the Drop of Doom ride. At Mountainside Park, Sidney teases him and calls him a chicken. So Harry decides to face his fears. Harry went on to the Drop of Doom and dropped thirteen floors down. Harry was a very brave kid. I like the book Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom because it's very adventerous. My favorite part was when the ghost popped out of the haunted house ride and Sidney screamed. My favorite characters are Harry because he's gross, Song Lee because she's nice, and Sidney because whenever he says he's not scared of something it pops out of nowhere and he screams.
I would recommend this book because it teaches you that other people have fears too.