Bratz Keep'n it Real
Written by Yasmin
Reviewed by M.P. (age 8)

Bratz Keep'n it Real is an exciting book. It was in Mr.Del's class that Yasmin, Sasha, Cloe, and Jade had an assignment to make a movie where they were to express themselves. When the girls were going home they were excitingly talking about their prom and their project .They needed a camera for their assignment and prom. The girls were so busy trying to get their assignment that they almost ran out of time to get their prom dresses. Meanwhile, someone was recording the girls embarrassing moments. All of the girls were embarrassed because someone put it in the school newspaper. When the girls were at the prom they had so much fun! Will the girls ever find out who recorded the tapes?
This book is thrilling and I really enjoyed reading it! I enjoyed this book because it had some hilarious parts. One funny part was when some of the girls put green face mud on their face. I laughed because I wouldn't put green mud on my face. My favorite part is when they used the camera to make a movie. I have always wanted to use a camera to make my very own movie so I thought this was neat! I picked this book because I like the Bratz series and I loved how they solved the mystery of who recorded the tapes.
I would recommend this book to people who would like to learn how to solve mysteries. I would also recommend it to people who like books that have the Bratz You won't want to book this book down until you find out who recorded the tapes! One more reason why you should read this book is because it is hilarious and you will crack up reading it.