The Adventures of Taxi Dog
Written by Debra and Sal Barracca
Illustrated by Mark Buehner
Reviewed by Catherine C. (age 10)

Taxi Dog was not really a Taxi Dog at first; he was a dog that had no house. He was a dog who wanted an owner. He had no food and he was lonely.
But then one day, Jim the Taxi Driver, found the dog and called him the Taxi Dog. Taxi Dog was happy that he finally had a house and an owner. Jim let Taxi Dog ride with him every day. Taxi Dog gets to ride with Jim around New York. They meet interesting people. At the end of every day, they go home together and live happily ever after! My favorite part is when Jim found the dog and named him Taxi Dog. My least favorite is that when they go home, that is when the book finished! I did like this book because it was nice when Jim found Taxi Dog.
I recommend this book to my teacher because she is the best teacher and to my family and friends. I recommend this book to them because this book is from N.Y.C! And that they are nice to me.