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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by Jon Scieszka

Illustrated by Lane Smith

Reviewed by Galen B. (age 10)


The book is about three boys that go into the future and how they try to go back to the past without breaking the information speed limit. The information speed limit is if you learned too much information in the future or past and you return to that time period, you will blow-up.

I liked this book because it has adventure and a lot of humor. One adventure was these people in the museum were chasing them and a robot asked them, "What is your number?" The boys made it out just in time because they blew-up the robot. I liked the robot characters because they kept on asking, "What is your number?" My favorite part was when they traveled to the future and they were getting chased by tine police who were actually going to be their great-grandkids. I liked the detail of the new technology and of the super tall building.

I recommend this book to people who like adventure and humor. If you like books about futuristic technology, you will enjoy this book. It's a book that when you start reading it you can't put it down.