1 Rocky and Bullwinkle and the Metal Munching

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Rocky and Bullwinkle and the Metal Munching

Written by Cathy Dobowski

Reviewed by Brittany A. (age 8)

Rocky and Bullwinkle and the Metal Munching

On TV land the TV went blank. Then Rocky and Bullwinkle came to help. Bullwinkle found a six foot metal munching mouse who was biting the antennas. Rocky and Bullwinkle gave them sticky candy so they could not bite. Then a spaceship came to earth to pick up the metal munching mice. Then they were gone. Bullwinkle and Rocky saved the day.

My favorite part is when the aliens came because they took the bad guys away. Rocky is my favorite character because he is a little squirrel. It relates to my life because Rocky and Bullwinkle hangout together. The book has 8 picture pages in the middle of the book. The pictures help with the story.

Others should read it because it is funny.