Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Written by Judy Blume
Illustrated by Roy Doty
Reviewed by Trevor M. (age 7)
This story is about a big boy named Peter. He has a big problem with his little brother Fudge. Fudge tries to copy "Peetah". He copied Peter when Peter tried on saddle shoes. Then Fudge said he would wear thhose shoes. He copied him when he messed up Peter's poster for school by writing all over it. Then Peter had to do it all over again.
I think this book is pretty neat because Fudge is pretty funny. My favorite part was when Fudge's dad spilled cereal all over Fudge's head and said "Eat it or wear it!" My mom almost did that to my little brother once when he was having a fit. This book is like "Catch That Kid". They both are crazy! Fudge was always doing crazy things, and the three kids in "Catch That Kid" robbed a safe and got $3000.00.
I recommend "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" because it was comical. This book will make you laugh so hard it will make your underwear fly off! People aged eight to adult can read it.