Mom's Day Off
Written by Eugene Bradley Coco
Illustrated by Colette Van Mierlo
Reviewed by KK (age 6)

Two children decide to help their mom and give her the day off. They begin with breakfast, but the eggs break on the floor, so Mom helps them clean up. When they sweep, there is too much dust, so their mom has to help them sweep the dust. They give the dog a bath, but the faucet was stuck! Guess who had to clean up. Do the kids actually help their mom?
I really liked the dog in this story because the kids had to give it a bath. The dog was my favorite character because the dog's name was Ginger and it sounds like a pretty name and it reminds me of my dogs. I also liked the girl and the boy because they both had to sweep the dust away to help their mom.
I think other people would like this story because the kids were helping their mom. I think that more people should help their mom. I like to help my mom.