Are You My Mother?
Written by P.D. Eastman
Illustrated by P.D. Eastman
Reviewed by Quasha W. (age 9)

This story is about a little bird who lost his mother, then went around looking for her. The little bird was crying because he could not find her. Soon his mother came and said "Why are you out of your nest Little Bird?" He said, "I was looking for you and I didn't see you Mother." So the mother bird gave Little Bird a lot of worms and he felt safe and happy.
I like the part of the book when the little bird said, "I could not find you Mother!" It brought tears to my eyes when I read it. I felt so sorry for Little Bird. I'm sure he really missed his mother. I also liked the adorable pictures in this book. They were very cute and colorful too! My favorite character was Little Bird. I thought he was so cute, but I think little Bird should have stayed in the nest if he didn't see his mother. I enjoyed the story because it made me feel comfortable knowing that everyone makes mistakes.
I would recommend this book to little children, because little children like stories with happy endings.