1 Blue's Rainy Day Music

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Blue's Rainy Day Music

Written by Ronald Kidd

Illustrated by Brad McMaho

Reviewed by Christopher L. (age 8)

Blue's Rainy Day Music

Blue is making something with kernels and a drumstick. They are trying to find the third clue. They are going to make popcorn. Magenta is going to help Blue. Steve is going to help, also.

My favorite part of the story is the last page, because you get to see a maraca. My favorite character is Steve. He is the only one who is real. I can relate to this story because there are people, mail and everyday things.

The book has lots of pictures and they help to tell the story. I think others should read this story because you can learn how to make a maraca.