Written by Louis Sachar
Reviewed by JGA (age 9)

A boy named Stanley Yelnats is sent to Camp Green Lake because he stole famous shoes. He didn't actually steal the shoes, they fell from the sky. At Camp Green Lake he would have to dig one hole each day. The hole would have to be five feet deep and five feet wide. When he finished, the rest of the day would be his own. One day he made a friend. His name was Zero. When Zero runs away, Stanley goes after him. Upon their return, they had to climb a mountain. At the top of the mountain, they get to talk a little bit.
I like this story because some of it seems real. There is a variety of people. Some are black, white, tall, short and in between. The unique part of the story is that some things are almost impossible. One impossible action is when Stanley and Zero climb a mountain that has a very steep cliff with a few footholes. The scary part, when Stanley has to go to the warden, made me think that something bad was going to happen.
I think "people/kids" who like a funny mystery would like reading Holes because of all the different characters. I recommend this book to all ages because there is something for eveyone. There is mystery, laughter, some frightful parts, and more. I would also recommend reading the book before you watch the movie. Your imagination will be surprised to see what really happened.