Just Go To Bed
Written by Mercer Mayer
Illustrated by Mercer Mayer
Reviewed by AMR6 (age 11)

The little critter didn't want to go to bed. Instead he wanted to play with his toys. He had good toys. He had cows, soldiers, elephants, a space ship, a toy gun, a robot and a lot of stuffed animals. He wanted to eat instead of sleeping. He played like he was "Super Critter" and a race car driver. His dad made him go to sleep. He needed his rest because he played a lot and must have been tired.
I liked this book. It was funny to me. Little Critter plays a lot and reminds me of myself!
The illustrations look kind of funny, too. There's a mouse on almost every page! It must be Little Critter's pet.
I have read other Little Critter books before. I enjoyed the book, "Me TOO!". He is always getting into trouble.
This book is entertaining. I think other people should read this book. Little kids would enjoy it the most. Parents should buy this book and read it to their children at bedtime.