Zoom Broom
Written by Margie Palatini
Illustrated by Howard Fine
Reviewed by Caroline M. (age 8) & Marina L. (age 7)
Gritch, the witch, is at it again. This time she wants to make rabbit rye but when she's going to the farmer in the Dell, her broom breaks down. It breaks into pieces. She went to Foxy's to get a new broom. Gritch walks over to Foxy's store for the best deal in town. She walks inside of Foxy's store and goes over to the broom area. There are signs on the brooms. The signs say Witch 1, Witch 2, Witch 3, and Witch 4. Foxy is giving Gritch such a problem. For example, Gritch said, "Which one is the one I want?" but Foxy thought she was saying Witch 1 was the broom she wanted. Well you'll just have to read this book to find out if she gets a zoom broom!
We liked the part when the fox said, "Fine with me. Witch 1 is the one you want." and Gritch said, "That's what I'm asking you. Which one is the zoom broom?" I (Caroline) liked the part in the illustration when the pigs from the book Piggie Pie drive past Gritch who is walking to Foxy's and are giggling at her as they pass her. I ( Marina) like when Gritch was looking for a new broom and Foxy tries to sell her Cinderella's pumpkin. It made me laugh.
We recommend this book to people that like witches. We also think people who love to laugh will love this book. People who like fairy tales will also like this book because many of them are used in this story.