All the Places to Love
Written by Patricia MacLachlan
Illustrated by Mike Wimmer
Reviewed by Dylan R. (age 8) & Ariel E. (age 9)

Do you have a place to love? Eli, the main character in this story is shown his future places to love by his family. His family shows him the barn, the river, the hayfields, and more. Eli realizes his individual place to love is the marsh because he finds lots of animals there and it is wet and soggy. If you want to know if Eli shares the places to love with other people in his family, read this book.
We think the big idea of this story is that you should have at least one place to love and always remember it. I, Ariel, have one place to love. It is to sit on the grass and watch the sunset. I, Dylan, have a favorite place to love. It is in Indianapolis because my cousins live there and when I am with them I feel safe and happy.
We think the paintings are fantastic and unbelievable because they make you feel like you are in the book and one of the characters. Our favorite part of this book is when Eli is born and he sees all the places to love because they are the first places he sees in his life and they are very important to him. This book makes us wonder what we saw first when we were born.
We recommend this book to people of all ages because it is appropriate for everybody. We also recommend this book to people who have or don't have a place to love. If you don't have a place to love and read this book, you'll probably find a place to love. If you do have a place to love and you read this book, you will probably probably share it with someone you love. Since this book has a lot of poetic language, we recommend it to poets. If these recommendations fit your personality, read this book.