Five Silly Fishermen
Written by Roberta Edward
Illustrated by Sylvie Wickstrom
Reviewed by Rosei R. (age 8)

Five silly fishermen wanted to catch some fish. The fishemen all caught some fish because they were all hungry. Then they all ate some fish, but before they went home they needed to count all of them on the trip to see if anybody fell into the water. One of them counted, he got 4, but altogether were five who came on the trip. Then this girl came along and the fishermen asked the little girl if she could count the fishermen. She said yes, and told them to jump in the water to see if anybody drowned. She knew never to forget to count yourself.
This book reminded me of when I went fishing with my Grandpa. It also reminded me of when I was watching a show on TV because they were going fishing just like I went fishing with my Grandpa.
I think that the fishermen are crazy because they look like that on the cover and they act like that. They are also nice because the little girl counted the fishermen and the fishermen gave the fish to the little girl.
I recommend this book to people who like to go fishing because it is about fishing. It also can help kindergarten kids because it has ryhmes, so if they don't know a word, they can think of other words that rhyme with that word to help them find out what the hard word is. I also recommend this book to people that like to o swimming becase they go swimming and to people that like funny books, and to people who like to count.