1 La Gallinita Roja

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

La Gallinita Roja

Written by Lyn Calder

Illustrated by Jeffery Severn

Reviewed by Ofelia A. (age 8)

La Gallinita Roja

The characters in this book are the little red hen, the dog, the duck, and the cat. The animals are mean to the little red hen because they did not want to help her plant wheat. Then the little red hen asked them to help her cut the wheat and the animals said they would not help her. My favorite part was when the little red hen asked the animals who would like to share the bread she had made with the wheat. All of the animals said they would like some bread. But the little red hen did not share with them because no one helped her.

I liked this book because it has very beautiful illustrations. The colors are also very beautiful. My opinion on this book is that it is similar to my life. We all have to work to be able to have food, shelter, and other thing to live. I feel happy when reading this book because I really liked it a lot.

I recommend this book to all of my friends. They must all read this book because it has a very nice lesson the lesson is for lazy children. This is a good book for kindergarten to second grade kids to read.

Original Student Review In Spanish

Los personajes en este libro son la gallinita Roja, el perro, el pato, y el gato. Los animales son malos con la Gallinita roja porque no le quieren ayudar a sembrar trigo. Despues la Gallinita Rojo les pidio ayudar para cortar el trigo y los animales le dijero que no le iban ayudar. Mi parte favorita fue cuando la Gallinita les pregunto a los animales que qui?n quieria compartir el pan con ella. Todos le contestaron yo si pero la Gallinita Roja les dijo que no por que ella tubo que hacer todo el trabajo.

A mi me gusto este libro porque tenia ilustraciones muy bonitas. Los colores son muy bonitos. Mi opinion de este libro es que es tambien como mi vida. Tenemos que trabajar para poder tener comida, refugio y todo las otras cosas para vivir. Yo me siento feliz porque me gusta este libro mucho.

Yo recomiendo este libro a mis amigos. Que lean este libro porque tiene muy bonita leccion para ni?os que son flojos. Ni?os de Kinder hasta seguendo grado deben leer este libro.