There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom
Written by Louis Sachar
Reviewed by Katherine Q. (age 9)

If you're a boy, have you gone in the girls bathroom? If you're a girl, have you ever been in the bathroom when a boy walked in? If you have then you have to read this book. A boy named Bradley and his friend Jeff have gone in the girls bathroom in Red Hill School! Bradley fell in love with Carla. Bradley and Carla are good friends. Carla likes to help out people. If you want to know the rest of the book you should read There`s a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom.
I love the book because in the beginning Bradley was bad. My favorite part of the story was when Bradley went in the girls bathroom and someone yelled "Bradley went in the girls bathroom!" I laughed when I read that part. Even though Bradley did weird stuff in this story, Carla was my favorite character because she helped Bradley turn into a nice person.
I recommend this book to kids ages 9-13.