Written by Louis Sachar
Reviewed by Mallory W. (age 10)

Do you like mysteries? If you do, you should read Holes. This story is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He and his family were cursed by what they call "No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandpa" which has been going on for generations in his family. Now Stanley was put in an all boys camp, for something he didn't even do. The camp is called Camp Green Lake. Now he's stuck digging holes five feet long and five feet wide. They have to do it for the Warden. The Warden wants them to dig because there is something under the dried up lake. But if you think about it, what could be in a dried up lake? If you want to know, read this book.
I really liked the book Holes. The reason I liked it because it a mystery. Stanley really learned discipline, because at the beginning he was more of the bad type of kid, and out of shape. Now he is well behaved. Something that I thought that was really unique was, the author made you feel as if you were really there.
I recommend the book Holes because it made you thinks that you were really there. I think that just about any age would enjoy Holes! So take my advice, read Holes.