The Monsters of Marble Avenue
Written by Linda Gondosch
Illustrated by Cat Bowman Smith
Reviewed by Ashley N. (age 10)

I can't put this book down! This is a really great book called The Monsters of Marble Avenue. It's a book that tells about a boy named Luke and his best friend Sam. Luke just got offered to do a puppet show at a neighboring girl's birthday party. Only one problem-he hasn't got any puppets and he's only got 4 days to get them some how or another. The other two main characters are the monster and gorilla girls (their real names are Melissa Diller and Annie Thorp.) and they might just have a way to solve Luke's puppet problem. Will everything turn out as planned? I guess you'll just have to read the book to find out!
The characters that I found in this book were very interesting and those characters were Luke and Sam. I found Luke interesting because he wasn't afraid to stand up to his best friends and say what he really thinks even if they don't agree with him. And Luke wasn't afraid to look to other people that he usually wouldn't look to for help. Sam I found interesting because he would think more of himself and leave others out. He would not go to others for help and would try to do everything himself. When I read this book it reminded me of other people offering their time to help others in need, because in the book everyone works together and helps each other. There are illustrations in the book and the illustrator decided to do them black and white. They are very good illustrations and they describe the story very well.
I do and I don't recommend this book. I do recommend it because it's one of those books where you never know what's going to happen next and it's very exciting. I don't recommend this book because it is very short and I feel that the shorter the book the less detail and information the book has. I recommend this book to mainly younger children. The book is very interesting because the writer makes everything bad that could happen, happen. But then she makes everything turn out right in the end. The characters fit this book just right because every one of them is unique. This book mainly an early chapter book for younger children, but even older people would enjoy it!