Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: The Babysitting Bandit
Written by Carolyn Keene
Illustrated by Macky Pamintuan
Reviewed by Ella T. (age 8)

Have you ever lost something and you can’t find it? Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew Babysitting Bandit by Carolyn Keene is a book about two baby twins that have a babysitter. First, Nancy and the Clue Crew are going to babysit for two little girls named Lily Mei and Anna Lin. Margaret, the older sister is working on a project with her friends, Matt and Lacie. Next, the twins are fighting over who gets the toy first. Nancy put it on the shelf. When Nancy came back it was gone and there were green fingerprints all over the shelf. Finally, Nancy finds out that Matt plays practical jokes and Margaret is jealous of the twins. Who do you think is the thief? Margaret or Matt?
In my opinion, Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Babysitting Bandit is an amazing book. For example, it teaches you to take responsibility. A character stole the baby toys and thought about what he or she had done and accepts the consequence. In addition, the author describes the setting very well. For instance, “The green fingerprints were all over the shelf, right next to the L, M, and N books” is a way the author gets you to visualize the story. Furthermore, it’s funny in some parts. In fact, one part that is funny is when the babies were fighting. The “Happy Babies” CD turned on and they started dancing. Crew As you can see, Nancy Drew and the Clew Babysitting Bandit is an incredible book, with diapers!
If you like mysteries then you will love reading Nancy Drew and the Clew Crew! Do you like playing with babies? I would give this book five stars because it is funny in many scenes and mysterious at the same time. I recommend this book for 3rd and 2nd graders that like adventure and babies! As you can see, Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Babysitting Bandit is an addicting book you won’t want to put down!