1 The Best School Year Ever!

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

The Best School Year Ever!

Written by Barbara Robinson

Illustrated by none

Reviewed by Rafael P. (age 10)

The Best School Year Ever!

The Herdmans are back, all six of them! They are the worst kids in school history. They aren't honest, or cheerful, or industrious, or cooperative, or clean. They've told lies, smoked cigars, set fire to things, hit little kids, cursed, stayed away from school whenever they wanted, and wouldn't learn anything when they were at school. No one liked them, and you could never predict what evil plan they'd come up with next.

The Best School Year Ever is a great book because the characters are funny and unique in their own way. I think it's a great book to read because you never know what the Herdmans are going to do next. My favorite part of the story is when they kidnap Louella's brother Howard, and put drawings on his baldhead with waterproof marker and charge twenty-five cents to see him. The character Imogene changes somewhat in the story when Louella brings Howard to school. He lost his favorite blanket and cried the entire day until Imogene, being nice for the first time, went home to get her baby blanket to give him. I thought the Herdmans were the most interesting characters in the book because of their attitude and unusual behavior.

I recommend this book to those who enjoy reading funny books because the Herdmans certainly do lots of funny things. They are too bad to be true. The author has a neat style of writing about their exaggerated behaviors. Go read this book now!