The Book of Bad Ideas
Written by Laura Huliska-Beith
Illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith
Reviewed by Benjamin C. (age 11)

Have you ever had some ideas that were BAD? These kids have ideas so bad they get into trouble, and make their friends MAD. This story is about some bad ideas that you won't want to try. Like throwing a party for your imaginary friend. It also gives you ideas about how to not get in trouble.
I think the book is funny because it is about mistakes people do during the day. Because of their ideas they get in trouble or mad. I also like this book because of the pictures it has. One of my favorite parts is when a kid brings a porcupine to a party and all the balloons explode. When I read this book I feel like my friend Martin that loves to laugh a lot.
I recommend this book to people who like to laugh at kids and adults with crazy ideas. I will also recommend this book to artists that like to draw funny stuff.