If You Give a Pig a Party
Written by Laura Numeroff
Illustrated by Felicia Rond
Reviewed by Faith B. (age 7)

The pig wanted balloons so the girl gave her the balloons. The pig went to find her friends. She stopped at a fair and wanted to go on the bumper cars. Then she found her friends there and then they went on more rides and played some games. When they got to the house, they ate dinner and had a pillow fight! The made a fort together and the girl gave the pigs more balloons. She had a party!
My favorite part was when the girl and the pig were on the bumper cars because everybody there was cute. My favorite characters are the pig, dog, and snake because they are very sweet. This story relates to my life because I've been to the fair before. The pictures help tell the story because they help you understand what's going on.
I think other people should read this story because it's fun. It's entertaining and happy!