The Ugly Duckling, a retelling
Written by Lilian Moore
Illustrated by Daniel San Souci
Reviewed by Natalie R. (age 7)

This book is about ducks, but one is not really a duck. It is different but no one knows why. The gray one gets teased and it is very sad. It doesn’t know why the others are so mean to him. Read to find out what happens and how being who you are is important.
I like this book because I like ducklings. The story takes place on a farm and in nature. The beginning is sad because everyone is teasing the gray duckling. You learn a lesson, if people make fun of you, you are still okay. Sometimes my sister teases me but I know that she still loves me no matter what. Kids that love sad to happy stories will love this book too. My favorite part is when the gray duckling actually finds out what he is. It is good to know who you are.
I recommend this book because it shows you that you are yourself even if people make fun of you and say you are different.