Big Nate:In Class By Himself
Written by Lincoln Peirce
Illustrated by Lincoln
Reviewed by Max A. (age 9)

Do you think Nate is destined for greatness? He thinks he is. Even a fortune cookie told him so. The fortune cookie said “today you will surpass all others,” but just because you are awesome doesn’t mean you won’t get in trouble…
Nate is not organized and is very forgetful. A connection is that I forget things like Nate and I forget things a lot. For example, I forgot we had book club. Maybe one day my forgetfulness will lead me to good fortune. Also, Nate is know as a trouble maker. When he went to detention he found a good fortune. I would like to find a good fortune after getting into trouble. Nate doesn't like getting called on in class. He slumps down in his chair and his ears turn red. I have felt this way before. I think a lot of kids can relate to Nate.
I recommend this book to 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders who like humorous books. Also, to kids who are unorganized.