Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Written by Nell Scovell
Reviewed by Yanissa L. (age 8)

This story is about a girl named Sabrina. She just moved to a new town and had to go a new school. She didn't have any friends because everyone was acting like they were all that. On Sabrina's sixteenth birthday her aunts told her that she was a witch! They gave her a cat named Zelda, who had magical powers! That when all the fun begins in the book.
I liked this book because she is a witch and has a magical cat. I wish I was a witch because then I'll have powers and could cast spells. (Good ones of course!) I would have a lot of fun with my magical black cat.
I recommend this book to children of all ages. If you are too young to read it maybe your parents can read it to you. Everyone will love Sabrina the Teenage Witch.