The Boys Book: How to be the Best at Everything
Written by Dominique Enright
Illustrated by Nikolas Catlow
Reviewed by KC (age 9)

The Boys Book is an amazing book to read if you want to know how to do things that will amaze your friends. The author put easy illustrations so you can figure something out if your having a hard time understanding. It's very interesting to learn how to do all of the things in this book. I like how the book showed me how to do all the stuff step by step and now I know how. I didn't like how some of the cool tricks didn't give enough details on how to do it. It was worth my time reading the book because it taught me all of these cool tricks. I would recommend this book to kids who want to learn how to do new things if they like to read, and look at cool,helpful pictures.
Although not as comprehensive and complete as Bart King's amazing THE BIG BOOK OF BOY STUFF, this book is a good start for younger boys (and girls!) looking to impress their friends with how awesome they can be.
If you've ever wondered how to fly a helicopter, or needed to know how to avoid being eaten by a bear, or planned to show your superhuman strength by ripping a phone book in half, then THE BOYS' BOOK is for you.
This short guide (less than 120 pages) is filled with tips, tricks, hints, and helpful knowledge that anyone can use to make themselves look like a genius. Because, as you know, not everyone knows how to survive a volcanic eruption, freeze a finger, get an egg into a bottle, or send a message by semaphore.