Written by Sharon Creech
Reviewed by Malia D. (age 11)

In the beginning, Dinnie lives her first life. She moves from state to state because her father has a new "opportunity". She lived with her mom, her dad, her brother Crick,and her sister, Stella. In her second life, Dinnie gets kidnapped by her Uncle Max and Aunt Sandy. They whisk her off to Lugano, Switzerland. Dinnie does not know what to do because she is so confused. When they arrive, Dinnie tries to escape,but decides it's not worth it. Dinnie has to attend an American Boarding school. Uncle Max is the headmaster of this school. Dinnie starts accepting her new life
Soon, Dinnie meets new friends at her school in Switzerland. She meets Lila, a girl who seems nice at first, but is really mean and annoying. She also meets Guthrie, a fun, energetic boy that everybody loves to be around. Other people she meets are Keisuke, Belen, and Mari. Dinnie is an OK student, but is well liked. She has many fun experiences.
At the end of the story, the school goes skiing in the Swiss alps. Dinnie develops a crush on Guthrie while there. Then an avalanche happens, and Guthrie and Lila get buried! Luckly, They are found and not seriously hurt. Guthrie admits he has a crush on Dinnie. They are very happy and want to go back to school together. Dinnie seems to like her second life better.
I wouldn't have changed anything in the story. It was great. My favorite part was when Guthrie admitted his crush on Dinnie. It was so cute. My favorite character is Guthrie because he is really outgoing. I didn't like Lila because she was mean. She was also annoying.
This story relates to my life because I have had to deal with uncomfortable situations. The story does not have pictures, but it is well discripted. I think others should read this story because it is relatable. It is kid friendly and witty. All in all, it is a great book.