The Dog Whisperer,The Rescue
Written by Nicholas Edwards
Reviewed by Megan C. (age 11)

Have you ever had a dream you were going to die drowning and woke up screaming? Rescue is a book about a girl named Emily that keeps having nightmares about drowning. This has been going on for two nights but the third night she hears something outside her window. She looks out her window and there, right there, something is bobbing!
I thought the book was wonderful! The characters Emily and Zack, do a really awesome thing in this book. They can read each others minds and feelings. The style was really good. I really like how the author put mysteries and what happens next at the end of each chapter. It made you want to read more. I have a text to self connection with Emily because when I was seven I used to have dreams I was drowning just like Emily. There are lots of text to world connections too, like some dogs need rescued from the water and lots of people have dreams of drowning and not breathing.
This book is a really good novel and very interesting. The cliff hangers make you want to keep reading. 4th or 5th graders would like it because Emily is 11 and in 5th grade. By reading it you'll learn how Emily feels as a girl that age having these fears.