Dear America, Hope in My Heart
Written by Kathryn Lasky
Reviewed by Mia C. (age 8)

If you like reading books with cliff hangers, then this is the book for you!
In Kathryn Lasky’s Dear America, Hope in My Heart, a 9 year old girl named Sofia, emigrates from Italy, to America. While at Ellis Island, Sofia gets detained, and separated from her family! When Sofia looks up at the Statue of Liberty, the sun goes into her eyes, and her eyes get red. The doctors think that she has trachoma. And that’s how Sofia ends up in the Ellis Island hospital. You’ll have to read the book to see if Sofia gets deported! I don’t want to spoil the ending!
I was so happy and relieved when Sofia meets a friend at the hospital. That was my favorite part because it reminded me of when I met my best friend, Charlotte.
I loved reading this book, because it gave me a window into the hardships experienced by the immigrants coming to America in the 1900's. This book reminded me of the many immigrant books Mrs. Diglio read us in class.
Curious and anxious people will love this book because you never know what will happen next. I recommend this book to anyone who loves history, adventure and heartache.