The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
Written by Jon Scieszka
Illustrated by Lane Smith
Reviewed by Isaiah S. (age 7) & Kalei N. (age 8)

The characters are the Big Bad Wolf and the three little pigs. In this story the Big Bad Wolf ate a huge burger. Next the Big Bad Wolf asked the pigs for a cup of sugar. The first little pig didn't want the Big Bad Wolf to come in. Then the wolf sneezed a great sneeze. The first little pig died. Read to find out what the Big Bad Wolf does next.
Our favorite character is the Big Bad Wolf because he is funny. He is awesome. Isaiah's favorite part is where the Bad Wolf ate a huge burger because they were animals inside. Kalei's favorite part is when the wolf needs a cup of sugar. There is a picture of the Big Bad Wolf's granny hanging on the wall.
We would recommend this book to kids that like funny books and to the people that made the 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.