1 The Baby-sitter's Club: Claudia and Mean Janine

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

The Baby-sitter's Club: Claudia and Mean Janine

Written by Raina Telgemeier

Illustrated by Raina Telgemeier

Reviewed by Dania C. (age 9)

The Baby-sitter's Club: Claudia and Mean Janine

Have you ever underestimated yourself? This book is about a girl named Claudia who has a really rude sister Jannie. Her grandma Mimi had a shocking accident which changed Claudia. Mimi?s condition could be incurable and Claudia is terrified. She thinks her parents hate her and she and her sister will never get along. How will she adapt to their new life?

I really like this book because it teaches you that you are not the only one going through hard moments. There are other people suffering. There is a happy ending and it is a question book because it gives a lot of questions like what will happen to Claudia? What will happen to the other characters? That is why I really like this book!

I recommend this book to kids who are 6-12 years old because it is a really fun and interesting book.