1 The 13 Story Treehouse

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

The 13 Story Treehouse

Written by Andy Griffith

Illustrated by Terry Denton

Reviewed by Smail R. (age 8)

The 13 Story Treehouse

There were two children named Andy and Terry. They live in a treehouse, not any treehouse, a 13-story treehouse. There are 13 levels, there is a bowling alley and a man-eating shark tank. Also, there's more but I don't want to spoil anything. Andy and Terry are not very smart, their brains are small, and Terry literally married a mermaid... disgusting. They also made a canary by painting a cat yellow.

I liked this story because it is so funny and dramatic. They thought that cats could fly (which is what happened) and canaries could make phone calls. They also got monkeys for an exchange as an accident so they whacked them with a giant banana until it went to an island. There was a gorilla that ate the banana and wanted more so it went to the treehouse and asked for more! They said they didn't have any more so it attacked them until the canary got friends and battled the gorilla.

I recommend this story to kids because I'm sure they'll love it. I think so because I love it. There is a part where a giant gorilla hits them until cats come and defeat him. This part was very entertaining.