1 Howie Bowles Secret Agent

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Howie Bowles Secret Agent

Written by Kate Banks

Illustrated by Isaac Millman

Reviewed by Ryan T. (age 8)

Howie Bowles Secret Agent

Do you want to be a secret agent? Well, in Howie Bowles Secret Agent by Kate Banks, a boy named Howie Bowles is nervous about going to a new school with a new teacher, and new kids in a new classroom. He wants to become a secret agent so he and his new friend Toby work together to solve a mystery in the school. The teacher notices that someone is putting gum in all of the school water fountains. So Howie and Toby try to find out who is doing it. Read the book to find out.

I like this book because it is funny. The part I like the most in the book is when Howie’s brother Dylan is acting like a dog. He is barking and walking on all fours like a dog. The character I like the most is Howie because he and I both like baseball. He goes to a baseball game at the end of the story. He also likes mysteries because he solves a mystery at the end of the story.

I recommend this book to grades 2 and up if they like mysteries. Howie and his friend find clues in each chapter and they investigate during lunch. I hope you enjoy it too.