1 This is the House that Jack Built

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

This is the House that Jack Built

Written by Pam Adams

Illustrated by Pam Adams

Reviewed by Candace C. (age 6)

This is the House that Jack Built

My book is about a man named Jack that built a house. The three characters are Jack, the cat, dog and the mouse. There's a lot of characters like the cow, the girl, the man, the rooster and the birds. I learned that birds eat worms.

My Favorite part is when the dog saved the mouse. The cat was going to eat the mouse but the dog saved the cat. I like when they keep repeating themselves in the story. In the end the girl and the boy got married.

I think girls and boys would like this book because more animals and people help Jack build a house.