1 McKenna

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids


Written by mary casanova

Reviewed by Alanis V. (age 10)


McKenna has done really well in school and gymnastics, but when McKenna is going to the competative team she gets more interested in gymnastics. When McKenna gets a tutor who is on a wheelchair she starts getting afraid that someone might make fun of her. When McKenna meets Josie, her tutor, she gets better grades. After a while McKenna falls off the balance beam and breaks her ankle. When her friends Sierra and Toulane find out that she was being tutored they get upset. Will McKenna get her friends back? And will she follow her dreams? Will McKenna do her favorite sport again?

I think that this is a great book. My favorite part is when McKenna breaks her ankle before the competition. This is my favorite part because McKenna gets really mad and sad that she won't practice for eight weeks. There are only a few pictures in the book, but they were really good because they described interesting things that happen on that page.

I recommend this book to third, fourth and fifth graders that like a book that gives a lesson at the end. This book has tons of good and bad things going on in it. It was good when McKenna's friends understood why she was going to the tutor and why she was embarrased. It was bad when Tulane got mad that McKenna would tell her about the tutor. The good thing about this book is that there is more to read than pictures to see.