The Stranger Next Door
Written by Peg Kehret
Reviewed by Aidan M. (age 9)
This amazing mystery has action, adventure, and romance (just kidding!) But seriously, this book is incredible! It is an amazing mystery that'll knock your rival author's socks off! This book is about a boy named Alex who moved into Valley View Estates a month ago. One day, a new guy named Rocky moves in. Alex hopes that they can be friends, but a few weeks after Rocky moves in, TIMBER!!! All of the road sides are cut down by a vandal! And there is only one person, er, cat to do the job. Pete!!!
I like this book because it is the type of book that leaves you hanging in suspense with every chapter. I didn't have a favorite part. Everything was picture-perfect. Every character played a part in being a favorite (except for the crooks.) I don't know what, but some special uniqueness had me HOOKED!!!!! This book is unlike any other book Iv'e read. The only similar thing it has from any of the other books in the series is that Pete remains as prideful as ever. Peg's style is like: no happy ending until the end. The thrills and chills of a good mystery. Nothing in life felt so real as this book.
I recommand this book to you mystery readers out there!!! I think third grade and up would like this book because they could learn from the vocabulary. It is a nice little thrill book that they would enjoy.