1 Crazy Zoo

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Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Crazy Zoo

Written by Norman Bridwell

Illustrated by Norman Bridwell

Reviewed by Joon L. (age 8) & Kevin M. (age 7)

Crazy Zoo

There is a zoo keeper that had a little boy helper named Timmy. Timmy liked his job. He even liked it when he had to feed the animals. One day Mr. Penny had to go to a zookeepers meeting. So Mrs. Penny was going to take over the zoo while he was away. As soon as Mr. Penny left, Mrs. Penny ran to the zoo. She said that she would change the zoo the next day. Mrs. Penny wanted to change the lion?s hair and make it fancy. She didn?t even like the hippos because they were too fat. She wanted to make them thin and teach them dancing lessons. Mrs. Penny said she felt sorry for the zebras because they always had to wear the same coat so she wanted to give them new design coats. After she said that, Timmy ran to the office and called Mr. Penny. Guess what happens next. I, Kevin like the illustrator?s style because I like the page where he makes the dotted lines for the noise from the giraffe?s playing instruments. It reminds me of another book called When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really Angry by Molly Bang because that book has outlining too.

I, Joon like the part when Mr. Penny goes to the zookeeper?s meeting and when he goes on the airplane. I like airplanes and I like the picture of the airplane in the book.

We recommend this book to people who like crazy and silly things in zoos. Children age 3 to 8 years will enjoy this book the most. The pictures in this book help understand the story. The animals are drawn in a way children will love them.